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"Moving Up, Out, and Across the Country: Regional Differences in Causes of Neighborhood Change and its Effect on African Americans”
Chapter in Black Politics in Transition, ed. Candis Watts Smith and Christina M. Greer
(Routledge Press)

“​Regional Blackness: Regional Differences in Black Views on Racial Progress and Government Assistance”
National Political Science Review, Volume 19
(Presented at the National Conference of Black Political Scientists Annual Meeting, February 2015)

“Discrimination Against Latina/ os and The Geography of Economic Opportunity”

Entry in​ Latinxs in the US Political System, ​ed. Jessica L. Lavariega-Monforti.

Conference Papers

Residing While Black

Midwestern Political Science Association

Annual Meeting- Panel, April 2019


Progress Pockets: How Economic Restructuring Impacts Racial Progress in Cities

American Political Science Association

Annual Meeting- Panel, September 2017


Federal Policies And Spending Priorities Among

Women In The United States

(co-authored w/ Lorrie Frasure-Yokley, Associate Professor UCLA)

Midwestern Political Science Association

Annual Meeting- Panel, April 2017

Block-by-Block Barriers: Neighborhood Effects
on Views of Discrimination
American Political Science Association
Annual Meeting-Panel, September 2016

Regional Effects on Targeted Racial Policy Preferences

for Blacks, Latinos, and Whites

Midwestern Political Science Association

Annual Meeting- Junior Scholar Symposium, April 2016

The Influence of Economic Restructuring and Geography on Perceptions of Racial Progress

(Prospectus, w/preliminary findings)
National Conference of Black Political Scientists

Annual Meeting- Panel, March 2016

Regional Blackness: Regional Differences in Black Views on Racial Progress and Government Assistance
National Conference of Black Political Scientists

Annual Meeting- Panel, March 2015

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